Donna leading a workshop at the Young Bat Workers Club
In May this year, our Treasurer of ten years stepped down but has said her bat volunteering days are far from over! Donna Allen is another well known name in bat conservation, she has been a member of the bat group for 17 years and it’s not going to end just yet. We put some questions to her:
How did you become interested in bats?
I always loved animals and when I was a little girl I wanted to marry David Attenborough. I used to be afraid of anything that could fly and after watching a few documentaries about bats I was fascinated and joined the bat group. It was my work at the bat group that conquered my fear of anything that could fly.
How does your family feel about all the batty work you do?
My son Brett and daughter Charlotte got used to me looking after bats from they were kids and think this is normal. They are 27 and 23 now. My 5 year old grandson Charlie loves helping me feed the bats in my care and gets very excited when we release one together.
What is the strangest thing you have encountered when working with bats?
One of my bats escaping in my bedroom. His bat house was on the window sill and instead of going out the open window he climbed down the curtains across the carpet, up the bed and sat on my pillow squeaking and looking for me.
One of the best moments was working on Live and Deadly and meeting Steve Backshall!
She may have left the committee but Donna is still dedicated to bat conservation. She will continue to work as a member of the group helping with talks, walks, exhibitions, young bat worker club and training new bat volunteers.
Thank you Donna for everything you have done for bats in Northern Ireland over the past 17 years!